Major Benefits
The 1000 Islands Gananoque Chamber of Commerce is committed to working with our members to assist in marketing your business. We have identified and continue to search out new and exciting promotional opportunities for the many different sectors of our community. The major benefits of membership include:
Save on Cheques
Save on Gas
Discounted Group Benefits & Life Insurance Rates
ASAP Cheques: At least 50 percent savings on cheques. Contact Heather Thomson at 613-382-8000.
Save 3.5 cents per litre off the retail posted pump price purchased in Canada at ESSO-branded service stations. Contact Richard Sauve from ESSO at 613-256-8323. More Info below
Call 613-382-7744 or email for more information.
Lower Credit Card & Interac Rates
Free Business Advertising
Business Promotion
in Consumer & Trade Shows
Skip on high credit-card fees and Interac rates.
Get free advertising on the 1000 Islands Gananoque Chamber of Commerce Webpage and Facebook.
Promotion at consumer and trade shows by Chamber staff or Chamber volunteers. Lead list supplied to appropriate businesses.
Invitations to Business Mixers
Government Lobbying
And Much More
Invitations to Business Mixers where you can share information and network with other Chamber members.
Government lobbying – locally and by way of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Ontario Chamber of Commerce.
Contact us for more reasons to join the 1000 Islands Gananoque Chamber of Commerce.
Esso Business Card Programs
Chambers Of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
Purolator Shipping Savings & Discounts
As a member of the 1000 Islands Gananoque Chamber of Commerce, you gain access to Purolator shipping services, where your members will enjoy preferential pricing through a volume discount program. Purolator offers discounts starting at 25% on Purolator Express® and Purolator Ground® suite of services.
As an chamber member, your organization receives exclusive rates on group insurance plans. The Chambers Plan is the largest plan of its kind in Canada covering over 25,000 small businesses from coast to coast.
As a member of the 1000 Islands Gananoque Chamber of Commerce, you gain access to Purolator shipping services, where your members will enjoy preferential pricing through a volume discount program. Purolator offers discounts starting at 25% on Purolator Express® and Purolator Ground® suite of services.